Re: [Salon] Kennedy’s Gambit | by Good Citizen | Substack

He needs to get back on his meds.
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On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 12:41 PM Beverly Spicer via Salon <> wrote:

Kennedy's Gambit

Part 1: Overcoming A Controlled System and Reforming A Demonic Party

Good Citizen

“I regard it as completely unimportant who in the party will vote and how, but it is extremely important who will count the votes and how.”

— Joseph Stalin

American electoral politics in the twenty-first century is the marriage of public institutions, private corporations, and shadow forces that have rendered it a two-year money-making and gaslighting performance written by a controlled system. 

The controlled system is comprised of local and state electoral machines often electronic, connected to the Internet, and therefore alterable by shadow forces; regime party (D+R=Uniparty) machines that organize malfeasance which includes harvesting ballots, paying for ballots, and bundling ballots, often those of dead people or illegal immigrants; for the (R) half of the Uniparty this can include secretaries of state like Brad Raffensperger who helped the controlled system pick the chosen candidates in 2020 and 2022 for Georgia; and finally the often overlooked corporate media machines that suppress the truth, push propaganda and try to silence alternative voices that expose their lies and hypocrisy.

Today, regime cheating is rampant, an inbuilt part of the system. 

It wasn’t until this century, with the advent of electronic voting machines connected to outside networks and corporate media monopolies partnering with government intelligence agencies to manage the “news” did the system’s presence become so unmistakably heinous.

Cheating in this century, in American national politics takes three forms:

  1. Active Cheating: ballot manipulation or electronic manipulation. Sometimes this involves NOT counting votes for the undesirable candidate and tossing them. It usually involves select urban counties where the regime has trusted Intelligence agency workers doing the “counting.” In the 2020 Presidential election, it was Maricopa, AZ, Fulton, GA, Philadelphia, PA, Milwauke, WI, and Wayne County, MI. This is where active cheating obviously occurred with twilight vote dumps sending Biden soaring past Trump after shady closures, “water leaks,” and barricading of vote counting centers to eliminate any transparency.

  2. Passive Cheating: lies by omission; intentionally skewed polling methodologies; selective enforcement of laws; suppression of criminal evidence by the regime’s police state functionaries (Hunter’s Laptop, no Hillary indictment, lawfare against Trump); 11th-hour accusations, usually involving women against male candidates.

  3. Hidden Cheating or Psychological Manipulation: censorship, blacklisting, propaganda, pushing lies through official sources and partners in the regime's corporate media, partnering with Billionaire funded foundations for astroturfed “movements” to lend credibility to the regime’s chosen candidate while smearing opposition candidates and their supporters. This is achieved with the state partnering with “non-profits” (“Fact Checking” aka Truth suppression) and Big Tech companies to push the State’s Censorship Industrial Complex (DHS, FBI, CIA) while colluding with corporate-funded Hate Industrial Complex(SPLC, ADL, Hope Not Hate, ACLU, Open Society, etc) to fabricate enemies of the regime’s political opposition. These used to be called smear campaigns, but they now border on criminal Psyops, to simulate thought crimes or frame certain groups as fascists, racists, white supremacists, and domestic terrorists. The police state funds fake patriot front groups outfitted with Federal agents and their Antifa informants.

Jim Hoft at the Gateway Pundit has been exposing the election fraud in excruciating detail. A piece published yesterday shows how the data manipulation works, and offers witness testimony, and insider accounts of how the controlled system stole the 2020 Presidential election in five counties, in five states.

The greatest threat to this controlled system is NOT the uncontrolled (able) outsider who wants to break down the walls that protect the regime and enter the game so that they can reform it from within. 

The candidate who runs under one of the Uniparty’s letters will never be a real threat. They can be disposed of like Bernie Sanders (twice) before ever reaching the general election, or impeached and undermined even if they win, and then prosecuted and imprisoned if they’re leading their party’s primary against the regime’s chosen puppet. 

Even if spared the worst of regime prosecution and persecution any candidate operating within the system will still be toiling upstream, fighting the party apparatus and its benefactors—the 1% class that purchases both parties for its benefit.

The greatest threat to this controlled system is the one who runs OUTSIDE the Uniparty’s umbrella and simultaneously exposes both parties as the fraudulent treasonous oligarchic agents they are while extracting millions of votes from both sides of the political spectrum thereby uniting both right and left to topple the true enemies of what was supposed to be a Constitutional Republic.

It doesn’t matter if this candidate is uncontrolled or not. It only matters that the people believe that they are and that they are not seen as part of the Uniparty pact that has been captured by the controlled system, which is owned by private corporations and the criminal banking cartel.

It is the responsibility of any desired effective campaign, especially a campaign the controlled system truly fears (of the uncontrolled outsider) to anticipate the actions of the manipulative hidden forces working to perform the electoral process as if it were organic and authentic—a representation of the will of the electorate. 

They must also anticipate the subsequent reactions of the electorate, the oft-misled or misinformed masses that this uncontrolled candidate must win over by rejecting the performative “pro-wrestling” politics of the past to consistently expose the charade that has held them captive.

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.

Soren Kierkegaard

The only way to beat this controlled system remains unknown to most pundits, and campaign lieutenants. No matter how educated or well-intended there are few people in this world who understand how American electoral politics works and how to break down and defeat the system. 

The average campaign uses slick data and metrics based on often skewed polling results that dictate how their candidate must react and remold their impression management techniques in real-time to bob and weave in the ring of public opinion. These campaigns are not concerned with truth, or exposing the system from within, but only with fashioning a fashionable candidate that might have a chance at being selected to work for the real forces that decide outcomes.

The essential goal of the hidden forces behind this controlled system is to maintain it at all costs. That first requires persuading the masses that everything that appears thus far in this piece is nothing but conspiratorial nonsense. To convince the average voter there is no manipulation, and that the system is fair requires only that their sources of information are acquired within their controlled system which manages narratives and alters perceptions.

There is mounting evidence that these hidden forces are failing at their most essential goal of keeping the masses believing in the institutions they have already set ablaze. Recent polling, if accurate suggests that 62% of Americans don’t believe Joe Biden was elected President in a fair contest. Another 6% are unsure of his 81 million votes. The vast majority of Americans are, therefore, to some degree aware of a controlled system in place to select candidates.

In 2016 the controlled system did not utilize all three aforementioned aspects of cheating—Direct, Passive, and Psychological. At the time it assumed it could manage the results of the Presidential election through information suppression, narrative management, smear campaigns, and propaganda alone. 

Billions of dollars were spent to keep Donald J. Trump from winning that election. Yet, the controlled system failed both in the primaries when Republicans did their best to block him, and in the general election where every public and private node of power joined forces to demonize him and support the regime’s chosen one. 

But did the controlled system really fail in 2016?

There are theories that Trump was the selected candidate that year and has always been part of the controlled system. This theory is supported by events that were set in motion before he was even sworn in and his actions as President for four years.

Trump was a useful heel in what amounts to “pro-wresting” performative politics that only seeks to keep the nation divided. He was someone they could utilize to simultaneously “frame” the Republican party and America First patriot movements by tying it to unconstitutional and undemocratic actions, even if the truth was the opposite and those doing the framing were following Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” by accusing the opposition of the very crimes they were guilty. 

These crimes took the form of demonizing Russia (Trump-Russia collusion) to set up the war in Ukraine, while weaponizing the police state and justice system against him and his supporters (soft coup-hoax impeachments-Jan 6th Fedsurrection), and use to usher in a fake pandemic while taking credit for the disastrous DoD bioweapon solution proffered as a “vaccine.” Trump still plays into their hands by bragging about Operation Warp Iatrogenocide even as his supporters openly boo that portion of his rally performances.

But this theory of Trump as part of the controlled system doesn’t stand up against a Hillary Clinton Presidency, with whom they could have achieved all the same ends without having to take subversive authoritarian measures to weaponize a police state against an elected President. Then again, perhaps that was the goal all along—permit a “threat” to take the White House to justify greater corruption, power concentration, and annihilation of any constitutional standards. 

It is more reasonable to assume they didn’t anticipate a Trump victory and didn’t lay the groundwork for direct cheating at the polls prior, at least not in sufficient counties that would have tilted triumph in favor of their chosen candidate, and they reacted after the fact, believing Trump truly was a treat to their power. 

It, therefore, stands to reason that Trump did take over half of the Uniparty system temporarily, though he never utilized his position to make any significant reforms, he never was a real threat while operating within the system and often did his best to throw it a bone. His appointments were often corporate insiders, including neoconservatives in cabinet positions, and the same club of criminal bankers running the Federal Reserve and treasury. 

He never secured funding for his wall even with control of Congress, groveled to Israel as every President is expected to do, and was a useful tool in ushering in a hoax pandemic that was one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever undertaken, on a global scale.

His most remarkable achievements were not managing the border or preventing any further deadly and costly wars, but rather simply being Trump. 

His presence exposed the controlled system and shadow forces, thrusting them out into the open where the American people could see how clearly their nation had been hijacked by unelected sociopaths not working for their interests or the nation. 

By the time they rigged the midterm elections in 2022, the American people (those who reject willful ignorance) could clearly see they were, in fact, working to intentionally destabilize the Constitutional order further, degrade the rule of law, and weaponize corporations and the justice department all while demoralizing the people.

In 2020, the controlled system, having learned from its shortcomings in 2016 implemented all three of the deliberate cheating strategies—Direct, Passive, and Hidden—and with the help of faux emergency justification from the engineered pandemic were able to justify tyranny on a scale not seen since past Presidents who abused wartime powers.

Now that this controlled system is already in place, efforts are being made to weaponize it against populist candidates in regular election cycles, and the only path to The White House is to outsmart and defeat this system within the rule of law, but beyond its controlled nodes of power, and that includes both halves of the Uniparty.

Uniting a silent majority of voters seeking a return to law and order, basic decency, common sense, constitutional principles and support for civil liberties will not be possible under the Uniparty umbrella that exists to serve the controlled system. 

It’s more likely that a savvy independent that forms their own “Unifying Tent” party can successfully bring together conservatives, liberals, libertarians, and independents of all stripes who realize their nation has been hijacked by an unelected cabal—and whose sum total of votes would comprise over 70% of the electorate if they ever found the good sense to unite, instead of allow themselves to stay divided over trifling culture war issues and petty distractions—the very tools the system uses to keep the masses impotent.

The Reese Report

Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Watch now (5 min) | The Declaration of Independence states that every person possesses three inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Two hundred and forty-seven years have passed, and we have mostly forgotten what those words mean. Today it seems that most of us think that the pursuit of happiness means the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of p…

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2 days ago · 122 likes · 108 comments · Greg Reese

Classical liberals have been completely abandoned by the Democrat Party, which (we’ll later examine in more detail) only supports illiberal policies and downright criminal actions. Conservatives feel betrayed by their party for not fighting back against selective prosecutions and a four-year soft coup orchestrated against their President. They watched the Republican party spend hundreds of millions fighting Trump in the 2016 primaries and now endure endless betrayal on political and culture war fronts. 


The bulk of operators within both parties never see a war they won’t immediately write a blank check for or a spending bill that can’t be rammed through for mass looting and grafting posing as a fabricated emergency; Covid, Inflation, Infrastructure, Terror, Wars that can only end with more war.

This silent majority excludes the minority of neoliberals and neoconservative corporatists working for industries (MIC, CIC, HIC, Pharma, Wall St.) and not citizens. It does not include Trump cultists who would write him in on the ballot if imprisoned or convicted by the regime for manufactured “crimes” selectively chosen for prosecution. And lastly, this 70% figure excludes the regime’s favorite useful idiots—the ideologues of the progressive movement who are so blinded by their own self-righteous bullshit they can never see obvious tyranny rebranded as “tolerance” and “progress” or “science” they wouldn’t rush to support. 

During the hoax pandemic, these were the mid-wit masses of “Good Germans” calling for the unvaccinated to lose their jobs and livelihoods and even be imprisoned. Incapable of seeing they are fascists, they collude with corporations and government in calling for open censorship, and selective political enforcement of laws. They will generally support the regime at all costs and prop up the controlled system so long as the ends are justified. 

There is nothing sincere or consistent about these ideologues. They lack principles and decency. They are willing to suspend the rule of law and liberty for the pretense of safety from any harm they are told by their government exists, but will instantly revoke those limits for themselves so they can protest and riot in the streets for whatever cause de jour they are programmed to believe is a worthy crisis.

No candidate should pander to this demographic or any of its flamboyantly colored sacred cows, and any candidate who does (The regime’s candidate) should immediately lose the support of the silent majority for doing so. 

So, which candidate has the best chance of uniting voters of the silent majority?

In early April, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced he would run as a Democrat Party contender for that ticket’s 2024 nomination. What makes this an audacious undertaking isn’t what most pundits have said, which is obvious—the incumbent doesn’t get challenged by his own party—Presidents don’t get primaried after one term. In fact, no incumbent has been primaried after a single term in 167 years.

What makes this audacious, and even foolish is that RFK Jr. has chosen to run under the umbrella of the regime’s favored fascist party, against their puppet incumbent which means he’s not running against Joe Biden, for whom a scarecrow randomly plucked from a field in Kansas would appear more worthy of a vote, RFK Jr. is running against the controlled system before the real election in November 2024.

It is highly likely Joe Biden never makes it to the New Hampshire primary and another puppet of the global cabal, someone like Gavin Newsom is substituted as the controlled system’s candidate. Still, Kennedy will not be running against Newsom, he’ll be fighting a controlled system seeking to derail his candidacy one primary state at a time.

RFK Jr. has stated publicly in recent weeks that the Democrat Party is not the party of his father and uncle, but the party is still part of his identity. He knows very well it is a party that has abandoned the middle and working classes and does not even pretend to fight for civil rights and civil liberties. It is a party of selective, political enforcement of laws, and a party that will happily engineer a crisis or catastrophe to enhance its own power. 

At its core, it is an openly and brazenly criminal party of miserable hypocrites and thieves, of unscrupulous and shameless self-serving rats who would sell their mother for a quick buck.

The list of unconstitutional and tyrannical transgressions the Democrat Party is responsible for in the past six years alone, with assistance from the impotent Republican Party is far too long to list here and would require a comprehensive vault consisting of at least ten volumes to cover in sufficient detail.

Running as a Democrat in an attempt to reform the party may be Kennedy’s undoing. This is a party now associated with open censorship, subverting the first amendment rights of American citizens. The party endorses selective enforcement of laws for political gain, has weaponized the DOJ and Intelligence communities against the people, and openly defunded police departments across the nation through what might be called deliberate policies of anarcho-tyranny. It would abolish the second amendment and round up all guns, disarming law-abiding and tax-paying citizens while letting only criminals carry firearms. 

The party does not believe in incarcerating criminals (of certain races), even 10x or 20x repeat offenders. It supports racism to fight racism, which is what affirmative action has been for thirty years. Unfortunately for RFK Jr. on this issue, he took three steps back in recent days in the eyes of independents and conservatives that will be vital to winning The White House. In the wake of the sensible Supreme Court decision overturning three decades of racism, and sexism, RFK Jr. tweeted his support for affirmative action. 

You can take the New England illiberal out of New England, but not his marriage to illiberal ideas. Equity is not equality, and legislating discrimination against some groups will never render justice to historical discrimination. Equality of opportunity through a competitive meritocracy is the only sensible solution. Individuals get equal opportunities to show their abilities through hard work, and competition ensures that everyone benefits by the best rising to the top, especially in public institutions that are littered with incompetent token-hire lifers.

By tossing his hat in the Democrat Party ring RFK Jr. is sending the wrong signal to millions of voters he will need to win the general election. It’s not a tacit endorsement of child grooming, exploitation, chemical castration, and post-birth baby killing, but he is associating himself with the party of all that much worse—perpetual wars, open borders to facilitate human trafficking, open borders to facilitate drug trafficking, the zero carbon climate scam, iatrogenocide scientism, endless taxation, identitarianism, cultural marxism, Marxist education, censorship, constitutional subversion, police state surveillance, and on and on. 

Perhaps RFK Jr. saw what Trump did to the Republican Party in 2016 and believes he can pull the same rabbit out of the Democrat Party hat in 2024. But he can’t because now all the pieces of the controlled system are in place to prevent that outcome.

This party detests RFK Jr. and in the same manner it fixed the 2016 primaries against Bernie Sanders and rigged the requisite primaries for Joe Biden in 2020, it will stop at nothing to keep RFK Jr. from winning the nomination. All of the controlled system’s tools will be utilized to undermine his voters, their votes, and any hope of him winning that party’s primary.

He may win the New Hampshire primary, and a few others, but long before the California primary he’ll be finished, and the nation will be stuck with Democrat Party winner puppet Gavin Newsom—a younger Joe Biden with as much awful plastic surgery. 

Kennedy has put himself in a difficult position, one of inflexibility where he must appease both poles of a fractured polity without alienating the other in doing so. It’s a high-wire balancing act that could send his campaign careening to the abyss with any wrong move. The controlled system will not hesitate to exploit his mistakes, amplify them, and reveal them over and over again to whichever demographic he crosses. 

When the left pounded him for appeasing a group called Moms For Liberty by having a phone conversation with one of its organizers, he reacted by not showing up to their event, according to right-wing media which then pounded him for appeasing the left. This will go on and on for the next eighteen months if he doesn’t find his footing and abandon the loud obnoxious minority of leftist progressives that will never vote for him in a thousand years. 

Having a progressive campaign manager in Dennis Kucinich is good for his anti-war, anti-MIC positions, and in his fight against the corporate forces that control the nation, but on the culture war issues that impassion the center and the right, the tens of millions who still support Trump (or DeSantis) he may find himself stuttering to appease the unappeasable illiberal left (which includes champagne socialists of New England) and therefore unable to win over segments of the silent majority he will need to defeat this controlled system. 

For now, he’s chosen an opening gambit that has left him exposed, with millions of voters wondering why a man so smart and sensible, unwilling to play dirty politics, and eager to unite a broken nation would even want to be associated with such a vile and criminal party. If he doesn’t wise up and change strategies this summer, it’ll be too late to reverse course and he’ll never even make it to the starting gate.

I’m going to heal this country. The way I’m going to do that is to tell the truth to the American people about everything.

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In Part 2 of “Kennedy’s Gambit,” we’ll explore Robert F. Kennedy’Jr’s limited path to The White House, the few platform changes he needs to embrace to unite the silent majority, and what he must do (other than keep telling the truth) to defeat the controlled system.

Beverly White Spicer
To err is human. Autocorrect is not divine. 
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